Thursday, June 25, 2009
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star~Because today I was randomly trying to bully my brain into writing something out for the fanfiction people out there who love my stories *coughs* so I was playing music. Was in a vaguely classical mood so I went on to play Mozart's 12 Variations of 'Ah vous dirai-je, Maman' from Nodame Cantabile's Special Best of Album.
This song sounds exactly like 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' so I had just been thinking that this song was inspired by the nursery rhyme. Then I wikipedia'd the song out of curiosity and found out that it was actually the
other way around, with this song inspiring 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' and other well-known nursery rhymes like 'Baa Baa Black Sheep' or the Alphabet song.
I thought that was really cute so I went to google the song and found the lyrics for it, on
this site. (Dunno if the link works)
But here's the lyrics anyway, because I thought the song was really very random and cute.
Credited to
Ah! Vous dirai-je Maman (Ah! Will I Tell You Mommy)
Chanson enfantine (children's song)
Ah! Vous dirai-je Maman
Ce qui cause mon tourment?
Papa veut que je raisonne
Comme une grande personne
Moi je dis que les bonbons
Valent mieux que la raison.(English)
Ah! Will I tell you, Mommy
What is tormenting me?
Daddy wants me to reason
Like a grown up person
Me, I say that sweets
Are worth more than reason.Also! Tomorrow is the precamp for USP camp. XL is going for her ASoc precamp thing too. So I will be absent for a while. I honestly have no idea what we're doing, and I'm pretty scared. Ubin on Friday! Why~
And here's the video for
Mozart's song on youtube. Don't know who the player is but he seems to be having alot of fun playing it. (Okay, I think his name is Fazil Say)
gg I'm blogging to avoid writing my story. Horrors~
Posted by norbert at 6/25/2009 12:03:00 AM
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Every day’s a holiday now~Gosh it’s been so long since I did an update. Ah haha this is bad, okay. Anyway so school’s ended for now but it’s going to start pretty much next, next month and in July I am suddenly very busy because my close-to-non-existent job is in its busy period. So. If you want to date me, you gotta confirm it with me and make sure I remember. Signing up for so many events/programs screws my mind up.
So far, it’s been very slack for me as I did not get a job, contrary to popular belief that I was actually looking for one. Well, I
was, but not a desk job. I know the pay’s good and whatever but I don’t ever want to sit at a desk all day long again. I will lose my mind. I swear I will. Also, it’s hard to get these kinda jobs for now because our break’s only for 3 months? Since May? So yes, no one wants a part-timer like me.
Nowadays I just trawl the internet and youtube for random things to watch, so far I’ve completed a few movies online as well as a few series. Like I finally got to watch Hana Yori Dango season 2, as well as the Nodame Cantabile Special in Europe which I didn’t get to watch when it was first released. All this is credited to dear Adeline Goh who has been on a drama spree since she too has nothing much to do now and whom I salute for being so nice as to give me daily, blow-by-blow updates of her watching the notorious tear-jerker, 1 Litre of Tears. To her credit, she hasn’t actually burst into tears yet at the 9th episode, which is a record.
... I kinda am reluctant to watch it. I think I
will cry, which is bad and I have proof because I cried when Maes Hughes from Fullmetal Alchemist died (if you don’t know this already, just go youtube it, it’s famous, episode 23 I think from the 1st series and episode 10 from the 2nd) and when Fulle from Scrapped Princess sacrificed his life for Pamela (episode 18, I will remember forever). And to think that these people aren’t even real. Seriously. It was just animated doodles moving and I
cried. Actual tears. I remember after watching episode 10 from the 2nd season, I spent the entire afternoon on youtube, looking at tributes for his death, where people made videos or excerpts from the 1st series, which I think did a mildly better job because they made the death more poignant and elegant... somewhat. Then again since both series were done by the same company – Bones, there wasn’t much to change. Yes anyway, I watched it a few times and I cried thrice. Imagine if it was a drama. I’ll just bawl my eyes out. So, no – I don’t think so.
What else has been happening...?
Or not happening, mind you.
Anyway I got sick somewhere at the beginning of June, which was kinda bad because I got it after my sister came back from Melbourne and she got a clean bill of health. Which is freaky. I checked with my doctor and he was okay with it, saying that it’s a normal infection etc so he gave me medicine. Three weeks on, the medicine’s done but I’m still wheezing. Occasionally. So I am a tad annoyed. But I think with ample rest and plenty of fluids, I’ll be back on track.
And I so need to finish up on my fanfiction. Honestly, Esme’s given up on hers and moved on to more important things but I’ve left my readers hanging on a cliffhanger for more than a year now, so I need to give them something to cheer about during this holiday period. Which is ending soon. And I’m still on my first draft.
... Damnit.
And other things which I need to do include revising on my statistics which dragged my CA down to the drain – please don’t ask me about my grades because they are downright
awful, USP is going to send me another letter asking me about my studies again – so I am in dire need of statistics revision. Sigh. And French too. I so should have just taken Japanese. But Trixie says that most people who take Japanese
do have background so it’s killer if you don’t have any. And NUS goes bloody fast with languages. Argh.
Ah yes, and Juinnie’s coming to Singapore! Next month! Yay! My lovely older sister from M’sia on the Z!U is finally coming over~ Let’s hope Shinya and Esme are able to meet up around that time and show her around Singapore. All the cheap exciting things to do. Ah hahaha.
Saturday was kinda productive. Went for SampleThis! rehearsal, where I practically laughed through my lines with Ryan – sorry, Ryan, it’s just unbelievable that you can portray such emotion. Don’tkillme.
On Sunday, the church had this Captain’s Ball tournament thing which took like forever to complete – from 2pm to 7pm, which is really psychotic. Originally our cell wanted to do an all-girls team but it wasn’t feasible as we only had 5 girls who were going to play. Uncle James came to our rescue saying that he had 5 guys, including him who wanted to play but didn’t have any girls to play with so we combined teams, as each team was required to have a minimum number of 3 girls. So that day was the first time Panpan, Sara, Vivian, Elaine and I met Basil, Victor, Nigel, Jimmy, Alvin(? His shirt said Shanas though) and who I think is Rodney. Or Ronald. And Alarice. I think that’s how you spell her name. I don’t remember. One of the rules was the fact that girls scored 1.5 times more than a guy would. So we mostly defended but managed to score quite a few times as well. Says alot because Uncle James’ friends were all around his height... Or taller. Most of them were also at least 10years our senior. The games were short, with 15 minutes per game with 1 minute halftime and our team played in every other match. In the end we either got 3rd or 4th overall. Which is kinda amazing once you think about it, because we were about half the age of the other members and
they were doing most of the scoring. However~ it was really fun to play together, though it was tiring as hell because playing every other game for 5 hours straight is no joke, even if I was only in the first half for most of the games. So yes, thank you to the guys who scored like crazy for our team~
Then I went to Taka to see XL perform for her Samba Masala Islandwide Tour thingamajig. That was the last concert of their tour so I decided to go after the tournament thing. I must say that SMU does market itself very strongly and effectively. They were good, and the beats were catchy and seemed very fun~ The people weren’t just playing the instruments, they were giving a
performance. And that makes all the difference in the world. One can really see that they’re enjoying themselves while busking for money for their CCA. Apparently, they’re semi-independent from the school, which gives them a lot of freedom.
After that, which was today, I decided on a whim to go help a friend of mine in her film project. I was portraying a mother of a dyslexic child and had to wear office attire. The whole bloody day. I rue the moment which I allowed Sherilyn to ask me to wear her heels for the filming. Now my legs hurt because of Sunday
and my feet ache with the skin peeling off on one foot because of today. Argh much pain. And my shoulders are aching and feeling unnatural.
Also went for Darwin, Wallace and Evolution talk. It was pretty interesting – I had the strangest feeling that I was most probably the only FASS student there. But the speakers were good and the topics were very fascinating. Hey, I didn’t fall asleep okay. And I
never (usually) fall asleep during Biology lectures. Except once while Ms Mani was going through bacteria. It was after lunch so it was understandable. Either that or I didn’t sleep properly the night before. The 2nd speaker was talking about mutualism and her examples of butterflies and ants. Go creepy crawlies~ then I had a totally enjoyable bus ride back with Sherilyn where we talked about totally random stuff.
Tomorrow, my OG is going to the museum. To see KangXi? I’m not too sure. Then on Wednesday, I have some CIP thing with my cell group and
Thursday will be the USP camp briefing which I decided to sign up for on impulse and on
Friday I’m supposed to be at Sentosa but I will leave early to watch Aggie sing... somewhere. I don’t know. Shoot. This is bad. I need to know where. D: Then
Saturday will be the Life's a Beach event thing that I'm still thinking about whether to go or not.
... And I really need to stop finding new manga to read. Like Gakuen Alice.
Why did I pick it up? The mystery is good but the chemistry between characters is... I don’t know, getting old for me. Ahhh.
Yuan, come back soon okay, I wanna ruffle your hair again xD
Posted by norbert at 6/23/2009 03:22:00 AM