Monday, September 04, 2006
I changed my template. See and be amazed.Wow, this is like the second time I’m blogging in like a few days. Ah haha. (Yes I stopped myself from saying lol!)
Anyway, this is the beginning of the September holidays and it’s off to a raging start. For one, XL , Liew, Adeline and I have been meeting up regularly for mugging sessions! Go us! Looks like we’re really serious about the promos! Yeah!
But I think still it’s not enough. But thank goodness for these mugging sessions, or I’ll spend all my time worrying and not studying. Ah haha. Sorry XL!
And we’re currently creating our own blog! Hee, it’s a combined blog and all we’re going to do is probably put up quiz results there. That’s what inspired the need for the blog in the first place.
We are such lame people. But I love them. They’re so sweet and adorable kids!
And I think I got a new phone. I’m sort of glaring at it. I can’t open it to put my card in.
Okay, I just popped it open. Shiny…
I want to see what features it has!
Okay I am completely flummoxed by my phone. Bugger.
Shall go around and ask for help tomorrow or something. It’s getting vaguely annoying.
I have many things to talk about but I can’t seem to remember what they are. I am such a depressing child right. Oh dearie me.
Okay let’s see, no anime so far; new books are Darwin’s Watch (a library book. I wants it) and The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time (thanks Adeline! Wheeee!)
I just realised that there’s not much of a reason why I come online. Which means I have to get back to my writing projects, like The Keeper, The Perfect Birthday, Statuette of Carmelle, Songs About Riku and most recently, The E. Coli Episode.
The last one is probably the start of the new 18/06 Scenes fad. I remember having that fad in what, secondary 1 or 2 - where I wrote stupid things and funny things about our class. Lovely business.
Nothing much has been happening so far, I’ve just been going out studying and stuff…
Oh and tomorrow is the due date for our Written Report and there’s also a Math Lecture tomorrow! Ahh woe is me.
| You scored as English. You should be an English major! Your passion lies in writing and expressing yourself creatively, and you hate it when you are inhibited from doing so. Pursue that interest of yours!
Biology | | 92% | Linguistics | | 92% | English | | 92% | Sociology | | 83% | Philosophy | | 75% | Journalism | | 75% | Psychology | | 75% | Anthropology | | 75% | Art | | 75% | Theater | | 67% | Engineering | | 58% | Mathematics | | 58% | Dance | | 50% | Chemistry | | 50% |
What is your Perfect Major? (PLEASE RATE ME!!<3) created with |
Posted by norbert at 9/04/2006 10:59:00 PM
Thanks a lot, Dictionary.
Let's all puke and see how terribly dangerous nellyn is!
Your Birthdate: May 28 |
You have a Type A personality so big it makes other Type A's shrink away in shame. You never shy away from adversity - and you love to tackle impossible problems. Failure is not an option for you, and more than a few people are put off by your ego. You tend to be controlling, and you hate leaving anything up to chance.
Your strength: Your bold approach to life
Your weakness: You don't accept help
Your power color: Bronze
Your power symbol: Pyramid
Your power month: October |
Why am I like that? I don't like pyramids. And since October is my power month, I ought to score well for my Promos!
Posted by norbert at 9/04/2006 03:45:00 AM
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Oh man, I am a designated ENFP. Even after doing that quiz haphazardly, I still get the ENFP. How depressing. Anyway, it suits me I guess.
I think I want to take up psychology or human whatchacallit-starts with the letter ‘a’ thing. It’s quite fascinating to study human behaviour; it’s almost philosophy but it’s not and it’s almost easy to do it.
Next thing you know, I’ll be Endos the Listener.
He’s mentioned in Terry Pratchett, and people pay him to listen to them. I hope I get to be that one day. I’m good at listening. Hahahah.
Oh man, I wrote ‘lol’ on my blogpost. I cannot degrade to that standard!
Anyway, this week has been quite a nice week, though it’s turbulent and I feel like kicking people some times. We had Teachers’ Day and stuff, and Liew, XL, Adeline and I went out loads of times this week! It’s really fun, we ended up being like primary school kids; we linked our arms and strode around Citilink, Esplanade, Bishan and all other assorted places like kids. It was great.
It brought back a lot of memories, happy ones mostly, for we all missed each other.
Adeline especially; she got ulcers in her mouth so she couldn’t really talk and thus settled for poking everyone as a sign of her affection.
Sigh, this week really got me thinking – about the future, about us, about everything and the human nature.
Sometimes I wish we can go back; it’s so great to sit together to talk about stuff in general, to laugh at Liew being all random and such, Adeline griping about homework, XL being the calm above it all and STILL being able to do her work even with all the insanity going on around her and me, being one of the most noisiest of them all, especially when we start talking about chocolate.
I miss them.
I miss Elizabeth, for being the most stable of us all, yet the most random and fun. Thank you for being there, for listening, for making me go after the ball at the Padang, for being sensible yet illogical, for being my partner in crime, for helping me hone my poking skills, for fighting with me, for annoying me in general, for sitting with me, for swimming with me, for making me watch ‘The Omen’, for everything, for once again… being there. It was great to meet you. I want this to continue for the rest of our lives.
And to Xian Ling, thank you for coming to see me, for getting to know me, for opening my eyes to the other world of scary girls, that I am able to help you understand, that you’ve shown me a side of myself that I’ve not known well enough before, for helping me in my homework, for giving me hints and showing me ways to do questions, for sitting there and listening to my nonsense, for giving me chocolate when I needed it, for not giving me chocolate when I wanted it… and for teaching me to be a better person. May we continue to meet up and talk to each other, may we continue to be this open, this pure.
And last but not least, Adeline. Thank you for just being so much like a guy, allowing me to understand things from another point of view, thank you for just being yourself, thank you for talking to me, for trying to think in funny ways, for helping us out in group presentations, for pwning everyone with your debating skills, for talking about potatoes, for making me come online to keep you company, for teaching me the art of listening, for helping me with my math, science, school work in general, for teaching my responsibility, for just being able to talk, for eating slowly, for teaching me how to think ahead and how to plan ahead. I’m really glad that I met you. Keep talking!
We’ve all separate now; we’ve gone so far away
But our hearts are still together, and that’s how I hope we’ll stay
This feeling that I’ve got, this shot of bittersweet pain
It’s worth it; it’s great - for I got to gain
Three best friends, none that I’ll ever change-
And three hearts, all of which remain the same.
Man that just came out. That shows how inspired I am. Hahaha. Of course Adeline will then wax lyrical about her Flaw(less) poem and thus MIGHT be coerced into continuing the writing of that poem.
Of course, she might just be a lazy bugger and copy it over. But she’s not that sort.
Anyway, the thing is… I love you guys. Thank you for everything! I thank God that I got to meet you, I hope we’ll stay together! We’ve got to keep together, to remember, to give ourselves new memories… and attend each other’s weddings. Hohohoho. May this life be a happy one.
And we’ve GOT TO find Liew an admirer.
You Are An ENFP |
The Inspirer
You love being around people, and you are deeply committed to your friends. You are also unconventional, irreverant, and unimpressed by authority and rules. Incredibly perceptive, you can usually sense if someone has hidden motives. You use lots of colorful language and expressions. You're qutie the storyteller!
You would make an excellent entrepreneur, politician, or journalist. |
You Should Rule Mercury |
Close to sun, Mercury has very long days - and is rarely visible to the rest of the solar system.
You are perfect to rule Mercury, because you live for the present - and can truly enjoy a day that goes on forever. Like Mercury, you are quick and elusive. Your wit is outstanding, and you can win any verbal sparring match.
Some people see you as superficial, but in truth, you just play many roles and have many interests. A great manipulator, you usually get what you want from people. And they're happy to give it to you. |
You Are Brownie Batter Ice Cream |
You've been known to lick *everything* clean |
Oh man. Hahaha. So many things have been happening. And I’ve been FORCED to do this little book quiz. Evil.
NAME ONE BOOK WHICH YOU HAVE READ MORE THAN ONCE: Erm that’s a lot of books. Like I’m the sort who’d read books over and over again, all for the sake of reading, so it’s hard for me to mention everything.
NAME ONE BOOK YOU WANT ON A DESERTED ISLAND: Adeline, you mentioning Harry Potter is wrong; it’s a whole series of books. If it comes to that, I’d demand for the entire series of Hitch-hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. It’s logical (well, my sort of logical) and makes sense, when we’re all alone and lost in the big universe, it has the nice comforting words of ‘DON’T PANIC’ written in bright friendly letters. Fantastic.
NAME ONE BOOK THAT MADE YOU LAUGH: Every single one of Terry Pratchett’s books, Gerald Durrell, Douglas Adams and all them funny people out there. I love them. Wait. This is one book. Okay then it’s My Family and Other Animals by Gerald Durrell. It’s priceless.
NAME ONE BOOK THAT MADE YOU CRY: Oh dear. There’s so many of them too. I think it’ll have to be… oh damn. I can’t remember any. Shoot I really can’t remember! That’s bloody depressing.
NAME ONE BOOK YOU WISH YOU HAD WRITTEN: Terry Pratchett’s books. And Gerald Durrell’s books. Ah hahaha.
NAME ONE BOOK YOU WISH HAD NEVER BEEN WRITTEN: I wouldn’t know. I don’t read books that make me puke.
NAME ONE BOOK YOU ARE CURRENTLY READING: Darwin’s Watch by Terry Pratchett, Ian Stewart and Jack Cohen. They’re all good at understanding Life, the Universe and Everything. Besides, they’re talking about Evolution, one of my A Level topics in A Level Biology. So I like them.
NAME ONE BOOK YOU HAVE BEEN MEANING TO READ: The Curious Incident of the Dog In The Night Time. Someone owes me that book. Someone who bloody well knows who she is.
NAME ONE BOOK THAT CHANGED YOUR LIFE: Every single book that made me cry. Which I can’t remember, which is terrible. Damn.
TAG FIVE PEOPLE: Liew, Gerard, Aggie, Crystal and all the other CAP people and Luke.
Posted by norbert at 9/02/2006 12:14:00 AM