Sunday, November 20, 2005
Author's comment: According to Adeline's wishes, okay, more of the song, Blind by Lifehouse's wishes, I have edited this post a little, to remove a small but essential bit of my post, which everyone read but probably never took much notice of, except Adeline.Paranoid womaaan. See, say thank you to Blind by Lifehouse, for I'm doing this for it. XPIt’s like erm… past 1am, and I’m finally, finally, finally, blogging about my boring life. I mean, seriously, who looks forward to my posts?
But it’s nice to find somewhere to type and rant, provided what you rant about isn’t against the law, isn’t about ribbing some other race, isn’t about ribbing some other school, doesn’t make another company go red in the face (with embarrassment or anger, whatever), doesn’t infringe on any copyrighted laws, don’t go against religious thinking in the first place, doesn’t cause an outrage from the newspaper, people, humans, animals in general, doesn’t make people scream BLASPHEMY in your face, doesn’t sound obscene, unless you’re like about 18 or something, or doesn’t make them faint or die… yeah, it’s nice to find a place to rant.
Wow, what an excellent comeback around a day after my O Levels.
Yes! They are OVER! Obscene O Levels are OVER!
Good luck to you, Nic, Mildred, all sad people who still have MCQ papers that they don’t even study for on Monday!
But I have to say, it sounds all too surreal to me. I mean, I know Berns went mad after the Chem paper, so did XL, Gerard, though I don’t know why, he has the, quoth Bernice: ‘penguin express’ to help him- he presumably went with Karmen.
That reminds me.
When ‘I’ apparently signed in a few days ago, that wasn’t me! That was Karmen and Gerard! And… err, congrats to Iggie for finding a new friend, apologies to Gerard for having to endure a high Terry with the Vienna Boys Choir (Liew says: They’re good, okay!) and practically everyone else who err… tried to talk to me.
Grapefruits are Round and Messy!
Yes, still the fact that they’re over is too surreal to me. I mean I have this weird urge to take my books out and study. And if I’m doing something like drawing or what, I’ll feel guilty if my mom sees me! If I SMS anyone, I’ll feel guilty too, if my mom walks in! It’s scary!
Gerard tells me that I’m weird and hopeless and basically a lost case.
I think I’ve been clamped down more seriously than I really thought I was. I mean I cringe at the thought of going online! (Okay, that really didn’t stop me about bemoaning that the connections just HAD to die on me when I wanted to go online today, and from going online non-stop for three hours but still…)
In the end, we solved that problem by pulling the wire out and pushing it back in again. Go us!
I spent this morning clearing my house because I was bored. Fear for my sanity!
I spent Friday night reading Harry Potter Book 6 and finding every tiny thing in there deliriously funny. Fear for my sense of humour!
I spent this evening at church flapping my hands and going ‘hahaha’ every few minutes Fear for my psychotic capabilities!
But I think there’s something seriously wrong with me. People, ask me out quickly. I think I shall go mad in this head of mine about conflicting abilities and how Chemistry has nothing to do with Accountancy yet you need it to get an Accountancy Course thingy in University.
Also, how does 15 minutes last as long as half an hour?
Simple! Pray and write really fast!
Currently, I’m blasting almost every song in my library, but that reminds me that the world is clamping down harder in evil pirating people so Liew tells me that I should save everything in CDs pretty soon but but but…
All my pretty pretty songs…
And I tell you, I’m very much disorganised. I have three same songs in three different places in the same computer.
I rest my case.
Also, I currently have the equivalent amount of time the Creator had before he thought about Earth but the equivalent amount of things to do as the Creator had before thinking up of good ole planet Earth.
I.E ~ Many time, little things to do.
Okay, read Adeline’s short post about the post O Level activities she has. Now I’ll do a brief overview of mine.
1. Read Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. (Done in 4 hours flat.)
2. …………………………. (SEE SEE!?!?!)
3. Watch Full Metal Alchemist, Bleach, Scrapped Princess all over again.
4. Spend at least 10 hours on the internet. A day. Not a week. Not a month. A DAY.
5. Go for this funny three-month –first-at-JC thing on Wednesday.
6. There’s this weird mudmeet thing.
7. Worry about Prom. I mean it’s only 10 days away! (Well. See, I’d do the worrying but not the actual buying of stuff. Ah haha.)
8. Worry about JC, O Levels cert, and everything in general.
9. Refuse to cook/do housework for Adeline, Xian Ling or Elizabeth until they raise my pay by 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000% and put a damn mole percentage in there too! (Currently, it’s at $0.10 per hour.)
10. Sleep late.
11. Wake up -really- late.
12. Watch TV!
13. Ask around for Saiyuki Reload, the Japanese Version.
14. Read Fan-fiction, write fan-fiction.
15. Generally make my younger sister’s life hell for annoying me about my O Levels when she was off in la-la land going online.
16. Burn Liew’s CD. I’m sorry, Liew!
17. Paste all my autographs in my autograph book which Nic guzzled for such a long time but only wrote one page! And half of it was a picture! (But I like it all the same Nic!)
18. Attempt to write letters.
19. Birthday presents!
20. Friend/clique presents!
Wow 20 things to do! W00t!
I’ll be adding more ‘0’s to the percentage thing. I mean, it’s my cooking! Ah haha.
Oh yes, to XL, who I hope will read this, to get to nice Dark and Riku fics, go to, there the link is there, then go to search and type in ‘Dark x Riku’ and put ‘Search by Summary’ in the drop down bar. Then refine your search by finding D.N.Angel in your ‘Category’ section, so you don’t get funny Riku and Sora fics from this weird game called Kingdom Hearts.If you like Daisuke/Riku stories, do the same but change the Dark to Daisuke!
Yes. Then if you find this author called ‘heka’ and like her stories, review, as they’re written by me! Yaay! Shameless advertising!
Currently, I’m arguing with Adeline about English. I stand by what I said now and before, that English is horribly complicated and the only reason why we’re considered good at it is because we know what the teachers want and write down loads of it.
Shut up, MS Word.
Gasp, they fragmented that sentence!
It’s been an hour (exactly) and I’ve typed 3 pages! Admittedly on a size 12 font, something I wouldn’t be seen dead in, and in Times New Roman.
Okay, two-ana-half pages then.
Actually, it’s a bit funny to be like, free from exams. I feel weird. I don’t really know what to do now, (chucks list away) like other than what’s on my list… I know we’ll be free for the next 40++ days only, and I seriously cannot imagine myself somewhere in December, sitting where I’m sitting now, going online.
Okay, I can.
But I can’t imagine myself watching TV!
I think I’ll be hunched over my table, doodling and listening to the radio.
At least we know that hasn’t changed.
I am not going to talk about my O Levels. I am not.
Okay, I am.
Overall, it was like a gentle shock, everything was relatively okay; the last AMath paper was scarily like a Math paper, which means they’ll push the mark up, the Chem papers were crappy yet they were where I found that 15 minutes could last like ½ an hour. Physics was nonsense (Yayyers to resiliang who wrote about wavefronts- ‘a wavefront is an elaborate procedure in which a person waves in front of another as a gesture of well-being’) and Chinese was an unofficial disaster (I’m looking to a B4 again). English is frankly, forgotten, as I wrote some angsty story in my compo that was very Joy Luck Club-esque, about this wife who cheats on her husband, who’s cheating on her. What’s the title oh yeah, Marriage.
Biology was nonsense, I mean Dolly is Dolly after all and there’s nothing about mutation and weird bits sticking out. Math was like argh, I didn’t have time to check the paper (no-no-no) and Liew comes out later and says it was relatively easy, and argh.
Oh I forgot all my Humanities.
Okay err Geog was okay, the MCQ was like QED, the paper two was like argh, I did this question I didn’t even study for; Literature and SS were like okay, but I was damn pissed about Literature, seriously freaked everyone around me a while by ripping the extra paper I had into shreds (Ci Hui remarked it was very interesting sitting in front of me), and to quote Jothi: ‘Nellyn! Relax ah!’ Then SS was like a bit of a shocker, what we spotted came out and we actually had –some- fun writing about them.
Now I can’t remember anything else, except the very nice Yoh’s Image Song I’m currently playing now. Ah hahaha.
I’ve been told to go and sleep. It’s past 2 am now. I find that a decent time to sleep. Good night ningens! :D
Posted by norbert at 11/20/2005 02:30:00 AM
AJC ODAC, Raffles Hall, USP
loves: you, me and that happy balloon!
quotes: Life is a convulated web of tragedies.
The Author likes chocolate, orange, chickens and the Planet Bob. Do you?