Friday, July 29, 2005
The Author has decided that being gloomy about her Chinese Os won’t do much and has decided to stop.
She has gone back to her ‘Think Happy Thoughts’ ideology.
Yeah! I am very happy today!
I have discovered that being happy is much, much easier than being sad. After a while, you forget what you’re so sad about, and that’s just lame. So, I have decided that being happy is easier. Go the lazy me!
Yes, the Lazy ones shall Rule all in due time.
As some famous guy said, ‘Good guys finish last but we get to sleep in.’
Also the Author apparently scraped some of her skin off while doing something which she for some, inexplicable reason, cannot remember. So she has a plaster on there. A very durable plaster which has lasted for some time.
The Author is vaguely impressed.
Yeah, she got that quote from the famous guy from some bunch of papers which had this hellish number of quotes. I shall try to find it and put some as my nickname as they are really funny.
Also, she has her own funny quote of the day.
I would just like to say that if I ever ever write a book, I have to create a character like Adeline. She is absolutely childish, immature, yet vastly intelligent, incorruptibly lazy, logical but still stupid at times.
Might I add at almost all times?
Anyway, she can blow everyone off with her pro debater skills but still make everyone laugh just before a test.
Yes this is the author’s funny quote from Adeline: ‘Please pass to the front… HOI.’
We were doing this quiz and we had finished and were passing it up. Adeline said that, trying to get the attention of Liew, who sat in front of her, which sent me into a fit of giggles. Everyone, well my partner that is, took a small step away from me.
You see, that quote itself embodies Adeline’s and I think, my family’s entire spirit. See we’re polite yes but deep down inside we’re mad raving rude people who are dying to whack each other up!
Okay I can’t really explain it, but every time I see that quote, I start laughing.
The Author begs that should anyone see her while she is in such a state, just walk away really slowly or turn back to whence thoust cameth fromst.
Yeah. MS Word doesn’t recognize those last three words, no.
And what else made me happy?
Does anyone know how to pronounce awry? Is it ‘au-riii’ or ‘a-wrye’? We had a discussion on that. Adeline and Miss Kaur were sparring /discussing whether the examiner would know how to pronounce that word. The correct pronunciation is ‘a-wrye’.
Thus Miss Kaur said that we should ask the examiner: ‘Do you want me to pronounce it correctly, or how the majority pronounces it?’
And then smile sweetly at the poor person who will probably start to sweat mildly.
And I have forgotten what I wanted to type here.
Yes. People have noticed that I don’t use forks. The Author will now proceed to let everyone here have a sneak peek in her caramel filled mind.
Everyone sanely insane would say that spoons are evil and should be squashed, made into pretty bows and shredded upon by the Forks.
But I say No!
Forks are the Evil Ones!
They have twisted our minds! Actually the Spoons are the nice Ones. I like a spoon because it’s round and friendly and you can put it in your mouth without hurting yourself. And when you’re sad, a spoon smiles back at you, making you happy. And when you’re happy, the spoon’s sad, which makes you sad again but then it cheers up again which makes you happy which makes it sad and….
Yeah, you get my gist.
Anyway, the forks are in an Alliance with the Infamous Pokey Sticks! The Pokey Sticks are a far worst version of the Author’s Poke. The Author’s Poke is just painful and the Author also gets a bad deal out of it. The pokey Stick’s version of Poking is much worst because they are for one, sharper and meaner.
The Author held a Pokey Stick hostage for about two years before the Pokey Stick ran away to be with it’s fellow Pokers. Pokey Sticks are Evil. I have realized that. Therefore be warned. Do not take friendly to Forks.
They are Evil.
They will not hesitate to Fork you.
Also, I have been thinking up of stories. But see I have a problem. I think up of all the stories, he characters, the plot and everything and then……………
I don’t know what’s the title?
Man I must be really weird. I have everything and the only thing stopping me would be:
Publisher: This is okay. I’ll publish it.
Me: Yay!
Publisher: You have a title?
Me: Aaaahhhhh…………………..Crivens.
Gandhi believed in equality for everyone, except the paparazzi and photographers.
Posted by norbert at 7/29/2005 10:34:00 PM
Friday, July 15, 2005
Started: 15th July
The Author of this blog would like to report that there won’t be any of her famous ‘Think Happy Thoughts’ ideology here because she is rather depressed about her Chinese ‘O’ Levels and the fact that she cannot access to the Internet when she wants to.
In other words, she’s just sulking.
Also, she missed Inuyasha yesterday because she decided on having a nap at 10.30pm, only to wake up at 3.30am, her first thought being: Who put me to sleep?! However, this really isn’t why she’s that depressed or why she vaguely contemplated suicide before realizing that the thumb nail that she dug into her index finger really hurts and deciding against suicide or cutting herself or any painful bit because she’s afraid of the pain.
Yes, the Author is rather pathetic.
Also, she was late this morning, this morning being Friday the 15th of July, the day she had her Listening Comprehension, time of Doom and Terror etc.
Today ought to be Friday the 13th, to be far to people who felt that Friday the 13rth was a bad day.
But she feels that knowing the people of the Latecomers’ Department is a good thing, which is why she was able to get away with a joke with Jothi and Tan Chun before scraping off with an Appeal Letter because she was Damned Pissed about everything.
Still, she got on with life and managed to run 2.4km (again!) with XL, making her laugh, rather sadly, with stories about A, B and C, three rather confused letters of the alphabet.
Ah yes, the Author is doing everything in third person because she’s sulking and has to play this Chinese song over and over again about Childhood Stories because her Older Sister likes the song and the Author likes to please people.
So, when we finally got the dreaded 3pm in the afternoon, everyone had buzzed off because the school had rather politely told everyone to ‘Bugger off’ without insulting everyone.
The Author’s class and level was a very noisy lot and didn’t, in the teacher’s eyes, take the ‘O’ Levels seriously as we were singing praise to the Lord on the third level of Jireh block, when the invigilators of the other schools were in the library, asking the Chinese teacher why the heck was everything so noisy.
Well we got duly trashed and everyone slouched into the classroom rather embarrassed. The teacher-man came in and put the radio on, where we had half an hour of nice music to listen to.
Symphony 92.4 fm had the Author tapping her feet to the decently nice songs they were playing until 3pm. Then during the exam, the Author found out that the Listening Comprehension was rather confusing and was very very bad for her ego, as it got completely trashed after the entire thing by Adeline and generally everyone else in the universe. She got very sad about this family of people who either left their house because their kids didn’t want to do housework or left their kids outside the house because of the same reason. And she’s not very sure whether the Scare-You-Out-of-Smoking pictures were put out to Scare people or to make the people who were still blur about smoking to be very clear about it instead. Overall, she still isn’t very clear about what kind of methods the government is using to discourage people to smoke, either through the media, or though various forms of medium.
The Author will now proceed to burst very quietly into tears now because most of the answers which she originally chose were correct and she very stupidly changed them.
Rambling: It’s isn’t fair okay, what’s the point about doing well for the practices only to screw up on the day itself. I like to please. Pleasing other people is good for me; it doesn’t matter whether it’s at my expense or whatever, so long as I please people… and seeing my parents’ disappointed faces will be worst, far worst than any 12/20 I’m ever going to get on any other test…
Her nose is red. Again.
She’s very sorry that this post is going to tears, but she’s too depressed to go on any more.
I don’t want to get a C5… C5…
Posted by norbert at 7/15/2005 10:42:00 PM
Saturday, July 02, 2005
-- Whee here's gerard just popping in to say i've corrected t3h nubbish html error which links spkc. it's still alive so u better go blog bout e swimming meet. and yesh we've won category 'Youth Choir with Mixed Voices', achieving a Gold Diploma level 3. thank you, thank you *bows* muahaha. ok i gotta to unpack now. ciao! ---There's a new bit about swimming before the bit about Shaman King and after the bit about Miss Congeniality Award thing. Go see if you want to. :)-I have just realised that four weeks have passed in a blinking of an eye. I do believe it’s the fault of all the terrible lessons that the teachers have given to us for the first two weeks, as well as that mind-numbing experience otherwise known as the Chinese ‘O’ Levels.
What I have done throughout this entire four week break –coughs violently- sums up to pretty much a great big zero.
Interesting fact: My jie is going to OBS! I had great fun telling her about the different elements that Liew was telling us about, only to discover she was going for only two days. I feel cheated.
I have almost completed all my homework. I am very happy. Inuyasha has –finally- gotten onto Season 2. I am also very happy.
Yes I forgot about this: Sengkang Library CIP Hours
People might wonder: why Sengkang? I mean like, you take two trains to get there, and the journey’s an hour long! Are you mad or something?
Well, the thing was that, we were desperate, and Orchard wasn’t going to reply us any time soon due to it’s -own- time and space schedule and such, so we just took the first thing that came into our heads, all thanks to Vanessa Hong!
Adeline and I traipsed over there on Tuesday last, last week to check the stuff out. Kind lady at the librarian politely shrugged us off and told us to get our NYAA books or no CIP hours thing.
Gohpeizhi and I were disgusted and slouched off. The next day we came back, armed with our, well mine anyway, slick black books and cool beige ones and we just went in through the Concierge and signed up, our names in this file.
What a complete anti-climax.
I was roped in to do this checking out of new books, where I had to record them down in the computer, after checking them out on the Search bar in some applet of the NLB. Adeline got helplessly dragged away to do shelving, which she describes in full, terrible detail on her blog (Please see Adeline, there, at the right. Do you see it? ---->)
Now I know why the Librarian in the Unseen University hates readers.
We passed one whole week of torture this way. What I mostly did was computer stuff, then we sort of ran about a lot and sorted books out; readers are terrible people, you can spend an hour getting this shelf wonderfully packed and then this insensitive git of a person comes in and finds the book he/she thinks he/she wants, finds out he/she doesn’t want it and puts it back anywhere.
Especially the children. They are terrible little evil personas, no one wants to clear the children’s section of books. You just want to cry, watching them mess up the precious books which you just put together so nicely, in alphabetical, numerical and series order.
As well as this really infamous stint Adeline, Vanessa and I did, which occurred on the day we were going to hunt down that ambiguous woman of a librarian to get our buggered CIP records thing.
We ended up doing something really stupid: getting a hundred signatures for some Read! Singapore Campaign put up by the NLB to get our six hours worth of CIP hours which we thought we needed to get 30 hours of CIP bits so as to get our blasted A1.
So we traipsed around the library for almost six hours, trying to get our signatures. Adeline went off on her own and starting blasting practically everyone she met with her fantastic knowledge of thing campaign- even saw her explaining to children aged 12 and 10 and below. While Vanessa and I had the notion to hang around the Young Fiction and the Fiction section, as well as the General and Non-Fiction section- and tried to get our signatures there.
The woman was lying, it’s the most difficult to get signatures out of children below the age of 13 as they: 1) Run away from you, 2) Run to Mummy, crying, 3) Shake their head and eventually, run away from you.
So we got their parents and young people our ages, and library gate-crashers.
Adeline still beat us to getting the signatures; I came in a rather far-off second while I do believe Vanessa was too shy to ask from much people signatures. Sorry Vanessa!
Well, eventually, Adeline went to the librarian woman and made clear about the library hours and came back to blast at me about how I found out the wrong thing and such…
Well, see all we needed was a letter from the library saying that we had gotten so and so hours and she was a really nice girl and good luck to her in getting her CIP hours, like that. What I was asking was the certificate, where one was supposed to, and had to get 30 hours before you get the nice shiny certificate printed out for you which had the words: this girl has contributed 30 hours to the NLB and we’re really proud of her and thanks to this person for forking out time to help us, and we hope she gets what she wants: which is her A1.
Talking about librarians, there’s this woman, I can only describe her as Mousy, and one of the few Chinese in the entire library of Malays. She doesn’t like her colleagues much; she thinks they’re lazy buggers. I don’t really mind her that much; she can bitch about her colleagues for all I care but there was just something terribly wrong with her mouth.
Oh no, don’t get me wrong, she looks fine. Just a bit twitchy and someone with a Metabolism. She’s soft-spoken and has a pleasant voice but… her breath…
You just need to walk past her, and if she says something, the strength is enough to knock you down. I know librarians don’t get their moisture, I nearly died of thirst so many times there- she must be a very severe case. I had an overwhelming urge to tell her to drink lots of water or go scrape her tongue.
She’s a meticulous and detailed worker, really good lady; I think I got my mad organizing skills from her. And no my table is still in the badly disheveled state that it originally was in, at the beginning of the holidays. I think I can see the woodwork underneath. Well I hope that’s the woodwork. It’s either that or it means that something’s taken up residence on my table and ate the woodwork and is now pretending to be it.
I have a very vivid imagination.
So, now that that’s over, on to the bit about the Read! Singapore Campaign. We were unsuccessful in trying to get the people we required, before we finally left the library to go to the Kopitiam nearby. There we sat down and proceeded to exhaust our contacts list.
Consisted of things like:
‘Hello……? Can I use your name in this campaign by NLB promote reading? Basically they….’
‘Hello, I’m doing this really stupid CIP thing, but I really need the CIP hours and I need to use your name in something…’
‘Damn the person isn’t answering! Shall SMS the person!’
‘Hey can we use your brother’s name?’
‘Oh yes, a message!’
‘Will they mind?’
‘Just say you need their names lah!’
So it continued. We went on and on, until Adeline finally got her hundred signatures, where she went back and found what a big mistake I had made. Re: look up, scroll up, whatever.
Yes. So we eventually got our signatures, then we found out the real thing, and I donated half of my signatures to Vanessa, who desperately needed hours.
I am nice! Hahaha not to mention egoistic and neurotic and mad and super lazy. ^_^
Ah well, that was the end of our library stint. Honestly I doubt if any one of us wants to go back and do it all over again. Actually what we truly gained from this experience was how to be Neat; how to Organise Books; Secrets of the Librarian Code and an extensive map of Sengkang Compass Point and a feeling that you will hate children for life.
Then we went back home and then on Friday, I decided to go and find my certificate the next week, on Friday, the third last day of the holiday to demand my certificate. Alone. Yes.
I never knew Chuntsen lived that close to Sengkang Compass Point.
So we net up to do homework. We spent a rather quiet time at the library doing homework, he was doing Chinese…. So many summaries and cloze passages.
I’ll have to say for now, that my sister, Sherilyn is playing… well was playing this game, Armies of Exigo, a rather poor replica of Warcraft 3 and was screaming out over to her friend on the phone.
She was playing a custom game and once she saw her Human Priest get hurled into the air by a Troll, she freaked out and left the game.
Oh and that isn’t her first game anyway, it’s like her third or fourth game because she keeps losing…which goes to show that my family will never become DotA players because we are too excitable, too insane and too freakish-outish.
Oh, and she kept thinking it was Diablo.
I was doing an essay on Hershey and Mars. Chuntsen helped me out here and there, and then I found out some of his answers were wrong… haha. Ah well. We then went over to his house where he shoved- showed, I mean, showed me Guild Wars.
I shall now proceed to whimper really pathetically and cry.
And he has his Guild: Nuclear Bears, and their cape is pink with 20 bear paws on it. I know, I counted, well I think it’s 20- and I said they look like sakura petals. You can’t really blame me, pink background, white stuff that look like sakura petals… yeah.
Practically all his characters are female and quite nice, powerful I mean… and he went on to this tirade about all the characters and the cool spells and such…
I shall proceed to whimper and cry to myself again, this time in a corner.
Apparently, they changed their cape thing again.
Oh well.
After showing off his Guild wars to me, I will resist the temptation to cry in a corner, I went home and did my homework like a nice good girl should.
Yay! Next!
English Prelims was okay I guess, it was rather easy and all, at least I could speak coherently and make Dhillon laugh.
Madam Dhillon should go and be a stunt driver. I have said that last year and I will say that again. She is able to do a fantastic and accurate three-pointer without looking at where she is going. I think she can master the art of drifting well enough if she tries hard enough.
I remember we were talking about jobs, and funny things. She asked what was the last funny movie or show which I watched. I said H2G2 and I know Supranee said Desperate Housewives. I couldn’t remember the word ‘ironic’. And then she asked about what I would do if I had a job I didn’t like.
I said, which was probably the end of my conversation with her, and made her laugh too, ‘I would find interesting ways to make it interesting.’
-Buries head and cries-
‘Interesting ways to make it interesting!’ That’ll be my quote of the day then.
Oh yes, does anyone know the Marigold Bananana Milk ad? I’ve been trying to listening out for the words and all I’ve got is like…
‘It’s a sunny yellow banana day,
Do the cowcalico banana way (cowcaliciooo)
Don’t shun/shun(that’s how it sounds like) the yellow banana- come on and move!
To the yellow banana groove!’
Yesh, the cow there would make a very very amusing springy head toy…
And what else…
I can’t really remember much- just that I haven’t been online a lot and might be considering poly to do IT stuff. Hahahahaha oh yes, my aim in life is to be a gamerchick!
I shall buy the best computer there is, well the best computer which suits me anyway, prep it up, and blow time away by playing Guild Wars, Diablo II, attempt DotA (and fail miserably) and no Xbox.
Oh yeah!
Oh and the Chinese Orals…
They were terrible. As the last person of the lot, the 19th person to be exact, I had to wait for everyone to get it over and done with before I could get it over and done with.
I had time to see and speculate how people did. Janice Chen talked a lot, Cheryl talked even more and Grace was okay, then XL talked much and Adeline blew the people and us away, by talking for 15 looooong minutes; Cherlene had a headache but still was cool as a cucumber….. Liew was good, I didn’t really see her face and such but I suppose she was; Ying Lerie was like… so fast!
We went on and got bored of studying… so we talked a lot. Sara was loud and clear and she took along time too, which is expected, with her standard of Chinese… and Amanda taught us this cool trick!
Basically how to pull two paper clips together without toughing them directly lah. I think much people know about this already, but we’re the unexpected lot.
Supranee was really funny; she couldn’t do the trick and told us that we were all hallucinating that Amanda had done the trick instead of her. You see, she hadn’t brought her Chemistry workbook one day, and Miss Ferng was smirking and such, Supranee was protesting her innocence, she knew she had brought her book but she didn’t know what happened to it, only to find out later that she had brought her book, only to leave it on the door entrance when she left for school. She started putting everything down to hallucinations.
Supranee went on before me, she was pretty relaxed and such, she talked quite a lot, and I know, from observing her, she did her old time trick of asking the person to repeat the question for her.
We had a guy and a girl for our invigilators and they were young and nice people. When ChenLaoShi told us about them first, she said she thought that there would be two males as their names sounded male. Then Samantha had to ask whether the male teachers were young or not…
ChenLaoShi said that they were quite young, and everyone was planning to do the damsel-in-distress thing, as we all know how guys can be manipulated to do girls’ biddings… wa hahahahahax
So, I was up next, after her, and I was really nervous and everything. My voice went down by a couple of octaves, and more crinkly and trembly. The people were nice though, they just asked whether I would like to add on to anything I would like to say at the end of every conversation bit we had.
We had two conversation bits, one on newspaper afterthoughts and another about our lifestyle issues and such… some one switched the airconditioning off, and I was the last person, my voice echoed throughout eh hall. How traumatizing it is, one doesn’t really know until one is there to experience it…
Every single mistake you make is repeated back at you a few times…
Yes…. Now that that’s over…
On to the Youth Day thing!
We had this Youth Day celebration thingy, where, as GohPeiZhi said, we did some beauty pageant thing, which we won. It was rather unexpected, we never win anything as we are too egoistic, too mad and way to intelligent to take part in pathetic things like this.
Oh no, I’m practicing my Above All act!
Hahahaha… well we did take part, with gusto and enthusiasm and did up Shitian really well, with a nice bra and shirt and stuff.
Basically we were supposed to do the best we could with scrap materials and come up with the best Miss Congeniality which means weird unique and such. Oh that reminds me! I like Althea Seow’s corny jokes!
‘What did the robber say to the corn?
I’ve got you CORNERED!’
We were super enthusiastic and such, going mad when Shitian came out and smiled and sashayed down the hall’s catwalk towards us….
YAY! (New Bit:
Ah Liew and I wanted to play Monopoly after school in the library. the Woman at the Library dissed us rather grandly and told us indirectly to bugger off. We were in class checking out the swimming records of our heats. Madam Zakiah had printed out every session! Ah Liew was saying that she honestly didn't know this year, whether RI or ACSI would win the Grand Championship. We asked GohPeiZhi what she thought of it, and I said for GohPeiZhi: ACSI. Well for one, GohPeiZhi, in our opinion, is an avid ACSI supporter, though she doesn't say it, and last year, RI had wrested the Championship thingy from ACSI who had won it continuously for don't-know-how-many-years so ACSI's bound to be uber-pissed and determined to win back their Crowning Glory from RI. Yes, that's our verdict...)
Oh and I’m sorta hooked on Shaman King. Hah, it’s the first anime where I’ve got a character I like who isn’t a male!
It’s Anna! She’s is absolutely cool! She’s like incredibly strict and solemn, even when Hao said he liked her after stopping her right hand from slapping him, she just glares and slaps him with her left hand! ‘You forgot I still have my left hand!’ And she backhands him viciously…
‘The legendary left hand…’ <-- Tamao and Manten Yeah, she’s completely devoted to Yoh, main character and an idiot, even though she doesn’t show it, and does stupid things every now and then. Grandfather: ‘Anna, you have to go to America to give this to Yoh.’ Anna: ‘No. It’s too troublesome.’ (What?!!? From everyone else in the anime) Grandfather: ‘I’ll get Manten to pay for the trip.’ Anna: ‘Okay. Let’s go, Manten. What are you waiting for?’ Oh well, she’s the first character who isn’t a male that I like, and Ren comes in a close second! He keeps poking Chocolove in the nose with his spear thing!
You are Horo-Horo's spirit - KOLORO the spirit of
What Shaman King spirit are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Posted by norbert at 7/02/2005 11:30:00 PM
AJC ODAC, Raffles Hall, USP
loves: you, me and that happy balloon!
quotes: Life is a convulated web of tragedies.
The Author likes chocolate, orange, chickens and the Planet Bob. Do you?