Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Firstly I would like to wish anyone who comes here whether accidentally, intentionally, or forced into it or perhaps you got lost and came here, a Very Happy June Holidays. That statement alone is enough to make people who know me well enough to stop and ponder: Oh dear, what did she eat today…
Then back away really slowly.
Ahem. I assure everyone that I am hale and hearty, except for a vague headache, which I will proceed to explain in this going-to-be-a-rather-long-post, and hope you understand.
Spasm. Nothing to worry about. OooooooOOOOhhh.
Right. I have finally found out that I am a mad, raving, neurotic and paranoid sixteen year old girl! Yes I am finally sixteen. Go me. Okay, my head really hurts now. Are those spiders?
Let me just jump into conclusions and swim about abit. And no you can’t join me. These are my conclusions.
Let’s see. Yesterday was a Saturday. I went to church as usual, heard the pastor speak about Christ Your Inheritance, in which he told us to get up and start acting like Christians and STOP worrying about everything because everything’s under control, in this big Umbrella of Okay-ness called errr… The Potter’s Hand.
Don’t shoot me!
Oh yes that reminds me. On Friday, I was listening to the radio and the deejay, Sebastian, was encouraging people with his replies of ‘Only a few more hours!’ when people sms-ed in complaining about being stuck at office and such. Mua-ha-ha. Overcome by this really evil instinct that has been bred over a few years, your truly sms-ed in for a song Electrico’s Good Times and purposely said that I was enjoying my holidays here with an added Mua haha for the perfect touch.
Sebastian took the bait of course, and called me an evil person and said that he would join loads of other people in shooting me.
Yes I am anti-social and alone…..
Errr writing has been interrupted by fanfiction. Am drunk on it. Headache is gone!
So yesterday, after church, I had this vaguely insane yet natural idea, instilled by Rebecca and Kelly of Cell Leader nature, to go to Suntec for the BS Midnight Sale.
BS = Bloody Stupid, for the non Terry Pratchett inclined.
So my dad and mom were in the car and I told them my brilliant idea and everyone was like okay, we’ll go and see and spread the fun!
Yes, we’re the ‘Chase First and Ask Questions Later’ type of people.
Having got to Suntec, it was a bit of a nightmare honestly. It was 11pm in the night and Suntec looked like it was only six hours ago... people. Crowds and crowds of people all over the place. People… there and there and there and look a family and teenagers!
Eurgh. I hate crowds.
We browsed a lot danced around the place, found the prices like ugh.
I know I know, it was a really stupid thing to go to Suntec of all places, where brands are like dripping from the ceiling and filling up the floor. God, stupid Samuel & Kelvin… or was it Kevin. Whatever. (It’s Kevin! Hey!)
Giordano was the only vaguely acceptable shop that we would actually go to… who would pay $50 for a pair of pants? Gahhh….
Oh I didn’t buy anything. It was either:
1. Designs were terrible.
2. (Still) Too expensive.
3. Bloody crowds.
Okay errr this was supposed to be typed in on Sunday but today is Tuesday, and due to a temporal error that happens to be a staggering coincidence with the time I went to watch The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (H2G2), I was unable to go online on Monday to finish this thing. Yes.
So to end off the Terrible BS Midnight Sale, we walked around till it was about 1.30am in the morning and were practically dying of exhaustion and such, then we traipsed over to Lau Pa Sat, some old market which doesn’t look that old after all, just a preference for chopsticks and is allergic to spoons.
Then we had supper, which was really nice and all, being 1.30am in the morning. Aargh- we ate till maybe 2-plus. Not really ate, we sat there and watched my mom eating Hokkien Mee.
She was the last person to buy her meal, so we finished first and watched her attempt to finish. Ho-ho. After that, we went back to the car and drove off to Clarke Quay to find our sister, who was working there. Mua hahahaha!
She claimed that she would finish at 2.30am, but no one trusts her these days. We waited there in the car at this illegal area, opposite all the sneaky evil little taxis that ‘reserved’ all the reasonable space, that is, sat there and refused to move like the fat little evil scum that they are. Money grabbers.
We slouched in the humming car, listening to errr…Counting Crows’ Accidentally in Love. Yes I was listening to the CD which I brought. Before there, on the way to Suntec, my mom was telling me, as I danced rather energetically to Maroon 5’s This Love, that since I was so awake at night, I could just like study at night larh.
I told her rather dryly that, without the music, I would be like snoring on the table already.
Waiting in the car (awake!) is a rather trying experience. You could go try it, get your friends to sponsor you, and donate the money to a charitable cause, that is, nothing to do with our school. You see, because for one, you are in a nice cool place. There is nice music around you. You are sitting in a soft fuzzy armchair and it is an unholy 2am in the morning.
The next thing we knew was that the Evil Parking Attendant or whatever his job is, Security Guard, Evil Bugger with The Beard, Paunch Man, The Late Night Show With The Bald and the Nameless, and ekcetra, had rapped rather sharply on our windscreen and smiling at us.
That means that his mouth was open and all his teeth could be seen.
Yes, my dad got up sluggishly and drove off slowly into the end of the road. My mom was teh pissed and wanted to go home. It was about 2.30am and she wasn’t here yet. Then dad said if we drove all the way back to Guillemard Road, which is a rather long road, and she called us then, we’ll turn around and fetch her.
Passing Liang Court, my dad’s phone rang. The joy!
We turned around, and fetched her, she was in a rather pissed off mood, thanks dearie, that’s so nice… and went home, yay!
We slept at 3.15am in the morning. We woke up the next day… okay error in time here, later in the day, at 12 noon and watched Jackie Chan Adventures and One Piece.
I like One Piece. Luffy’s really stupid and I like his older brother- who has freckles. Damn. But one thing I don’t like about One Piece’s art is that the people are really either very tall or have some world wide disease that causes them to have long hands and legs and really long bodies.
See: Clamp.
And he controls my favourite element! Fire! Yay!
Due to Chemical errors, fire isn’t an element. Still, I like to think it is, even though scientists haven’t found the element Fire with the letters Fi scrawled all over it. Yes.
Okay, so now we skip to Monday.
Monday was the temporal error which made me unable to blog. Because I went to see….H2G2!!!!!
I think I told everyone already.
I like Marvin!
Do you know that Marvin is voiced by Alan Rickman, who did Snape in the Harry Potter series? It’s true, watch the movie again and listen. The Snape-like quality just reeks out at you. And one must get the theme song. It is very nice. I have taken to singing it raucously (whatever that means) in the bathroom.
So long, so long, so long, so long,
So long, so long, so long, so long,
So long, so long, and thanks for all the fish!

Posted by norbert at 6/14/2005 11:00:00 PM