Friday, December 31, 2004
Righto, having been inspired by Adeline-kun over here who mysteriously disappeared once I put forth this idea, I suppose it’s this innate fear of What Things May Bring, whenever I get a mad idea in my head.
So I didn’t do well this year. But what’s done is done and if you look back at it, it means that you’ve got eyes at the back of your head.
I have been pressed to go to VJC. I have been pressed to go to RJC. I have been pressed to go to any JC that has a popular letter as its name.
For example, T, R, S… okay forget S, N… yes.
So basically, what I am doing now, is attempting to do my Geography homework, with Marianne Chong (we worship you) and Geog TYS on the table, both open to rather unpopular pages and listening to the radio, which is currently playing Outkast’s Heya.
Rather nice song I must admit.
So now is a time as most would put it, to reflect back on the old year. And think about Stuff that Mattered.
I think I’m getting some sort of counselor’s brain. I’m spending more time thinking about humane problems that are so easy to me but great revelations to Adeline, not that I’m insulting her intelligence as she already has a lot, though it’s kinda wasteful…
For example, her friend and her.
I am very twisted.
Anyway, yes, to appreciate my friends now.
1. Gerard: The first one, the only one! : ) The one who’s always been there! So this year was rather rocky I think, or something but it doesn’t matter to us ‘because love conquers all! Man I sound so philosophical. Always been such a great fellow, who has some nonsensical problems like me and likes to sing and do weird stuff that includes me. Now I can’t get all mushy here else they’ll vomit at my romanticism sense and scream at me for being stupid. Love you!
2. Elizabeth and Terry Liew, Nicola Wong: They all mattered. We had some fun times this year ne? Remember the nationals? Yeah they rocked! Terry’s gone off to some obscure school now, but that doesn’t mean that the Swim Team’s died from her lips! It means that we’ve spread out into the world, i.e England! Yes, yes, and SPKC, as it mattered the most. We will always rise above the Evil One!
Therefore, we will always Move On To Greater Glory!
3. Adeline, Xian Ling, Vanessa, Yunhan, Lu Meng: Words could not express my gratefulness to you guys, actually it’s because that you’ve done so much that I don’t know what to say to actually mean what you did.
For example, Adeline had the foresight to decide to develop my sociology skills by making me the unwitting angstor where she would tell me all sorts of weird things that would amaze her whenever I try to explain to her stuff. It’s all very comforting to think that Adeline has senses in different places than me.
Haha moving on to Xian Ling who has always been the uber sensible woman who has gone around us like a mad mother hen who goes around the bend whenever she realizes that we’re going to our doom. Vanessa over there is this mental fellow terrorist that has absolutely nothing to do with Adeline, whatever she says.
Yunhan and Lu Meng are the two greatest friends I could have. Thrust into this alien world of students and mental stages where standing hair becomes a norm and birds are half expected to sprout from my hair instead of the more obvious looking nest right outside the window, there, at that little branch there, do you see it? No? Okay, never mind.
Thank you. Now feel appreciated.
4. Carian, Althea: Mental juniors with the sensibility the size of a pea’s brain.
Lover Celf, and cousin Alf, are the maddest people I have ever met, save Nicola when she goes on a coffee rampage. They have made me see that the world is a better place after all, where tissue paper comes to life and the word ‘munchkin’ takes a brand new meaning. You guys are the funnest!
5. Myst and Qing Xiang: Don't really know you guys very well but well enough to gain a placing here! Yay! congratulate me on my niceness! Yes, anyway, all the innuendo aside, great friends you guys are ne? QX, the photographer, Myst the musical madder, who increased my Musical well be 10%! It's a great honour! Aside that I have information regarding like 10% of the Musicals Out There but who cares. Yes, so, hope that you guys can continue spamming each other's MSN conversations with bits of nonsense and help me at Os! Hahahah I am so evil. Yes... yes...
6. Finally, the people who are on my MSN list but don’t talk to me. Bwa hahahahaha! You’ve made my MSN list bigger and more confusing, with larger groups and people who don’t belong anywhere else but it’s comforting to know that at least. Somewhere out there, someone acknowledges my existence by adding me to their MSN list.
So, yes, that should be about it, I’ve covered much people pretty nicely, except my family members who are dense in this sort of thing.
Perhaps Sherilyn would… but that’s not the point.
Evil Samantha if you get your measly hands on my younger sister again I swear I will incinerate your blasted mind with the largest stove that I can find, then I’ll begin on grilling your stupid head to crispy perfection where as I will probably kick it around until it flakes off as Flaky the Leper’s great hairdos. And then… I’ll start on your body.
That’s over and done with…
Posted by norbert at 12/31/2004 11:39:00 PM
Tuesday, December 28, 2004
currently everyone is screaming at me to do the cycling post.
hey ah liew hasnt even gotten a blog so she completely loses!!
(everyone murders me for being so lame. ah liew isnt even in the league.)
im just like really bored with my homework and fanfiction now so shall we begin?
okay so woke up at roundish 9-10am. see i cant remember. everyone is going to massacre me now.
anyway, woke up, pottered around the house a little, and then finally decided the leave the house, sure to be late.
there was this nagging little sense that told me that i should wear shoes but i gave up and forgot about it. so went there, reaching it on time for once!
i am so proud of myself.
sat at the bus stop for quite a while. wondered whether i got the time right. wondered whether i got the bus stop right. wondered whether i got the bus right.
wondered when was lunch going to be.
sulked a little, nearly drifting off to sleep. waited for a couple of buses... 70 came straightaway to TEMPT ME HOME!
hahaha anyway, i continued waiting. yes.finally the second 113 bus, which took a surprisingly long time, came and then i was like staring desolutely at it, wondering if it was the correct bus when wonders of wonders i saw gerard's face on the window!
jerked up at that. by then, xl and her sis and adeline were bouncing happily out of the bus and were saying hi. i said hi too, man xl's really changed ne, hair's bit longer... hahaha
she looks different too!
anyway, the gift exchanging occured then, gerard got adel her johnnie grisham book, he wrote christmas with the kranks? no waaaayyy!! and he gave xl something.
(consults everyone else's blog. see, one thing good about being late, you just summarise everything else from everyone else's blog. man they are so going to kill me.)
a kangaroo and a notebook. he made a remark about his shirt which was all kangaroos and koalas and kangaroos and cassowaries and koalas and im getting a headache and kangaroos and koalas and this is getting annoying and kangaroos and kookaburras and OUCH
i got distracted again.
i have lost all inspiration.
am going to be really short and everything right now
so we took the bus there found ah liew went for lunch and then finally went cycling.
it hurts.
it hurts to look at the notepad.
told gerard two words, since he was so nervous and everything and apprehensive.
him? apprehensive? it should be ME, being apprehensive... i'm teaching him!
oh my goodness.
oh my goodness
i just found out that i could have undid it all.
no wait i cant. damn. it closed automatically. hmmm.
so then we went cycling and then we cycled to lots of places.
finally reached bedok jetty where adeline crashed into this girl because she found out her brakes werent working.
she, being too short to fly over her bike, attempted to fly through it.
turned back after several cries of 'NELLYN!! NELLYN!!'found adeline sitting on the ground with her bike splayed around her and her hands in her face.
dropped the bike, you know like how kids do in the movies. they just push their bike to the side and then they hop off so easily and run to the person? yeah, anyway i tried that, failed miserably as the bike crashed in front of me instead and then leaped over it to get to adeline, ran there, found out she was a bloody mess, helped her, wondered why my sandal was feeling so wet, freaked out to see blood at my toe, screamed a little more, helped adeline somemore while wincing at my was complete chaos for a while.
after that, everything became a little calmer, and we found out that adeline just had some tiny tiny wound the width of my pinky finger.
my toe's like okay now, the skin's this hardened layer over the wound acting as a natural plaster. yay.
we then got ourselves cleaned up, then cycled back, then went to the beach, where adeline and xl barely got wet due to some arguing over whether sea waves were transverse or longitutional.
sherilyn says its both. i think its both too.
hhaahha the particle moves up and down as it goes and back and forth too. you see. its like up and down, moving forward as the wave comes to the beach. then it reaches the beach and then its moving backwards... so its like up and down and back and forth.
then i happen to remember that before this beach incident we went to 7-11 to get some slurpees wheee the ice cool slurpee is really nice and then terry had to go and wash her hands as she filled it too high.
coming back, she tripped over some bicycle thing and fell flat on her face.
i couldn't stop laughing then. really.
everyone kept stepping on my toe too.
so anyway after the beach incident. ah liew and family came and gave us logcakes to eat! yay!chocolate!
so ate them, had lots of fun...
yes im denying myself and everyone else a detailed blog because i am mad that i lost the beginning detailed bits which were scarily detailed.
and then ah liew and terry and gerard taught us bridge.
i've learnt a few rules of the game.
1. never play with xian ling
2. never play with terry.
3. bring a pack of cards where ever you go
4. don't start a game when you're late for another thing.
or better still
5. dont learn the game at all. just watch and laugh.
so we finally had the bright idea to take a shuttle bus to dhoby ghaut all because we couldnt be bothered to find our way back.
played on the shuttle bus. i dont think the driver liked us alot.
i dropped gerard's dragon at least 3 times.
i feel very depressed.
i lost the crystal ball.
-goes to a corner and cries-
Posted by norbert at 12/28/2004 09:20:00 PM
Sunday, December 12, 2004
WARNING: To all readers, this is a damn long post larh, and it's like only doctoring ten hours max. So to tell you guys, be prepared for a very very long read!
i'm like finally blogging about the fantastic mudmeet. man am i late or what.
this happened on... tuesday. yes. and today is thursday. gasp.
anyway, the night before i was really glum and everything. hahah not because of the fact that i couldn't go for the birthday party but i guess that's what started it but that's not the point... bleah my mom was telling me to go for chinese tuition and add maths tuition and everything else that has to do with tuition or whatever so i was really brought down by the resigned face that my mom had like i was throwing away my future and everything.
so i went to bed. didnt sleep till 1am plus in the morning. bleh.
next day i woke up. my mom was like when's the party and i said i wasn't going cause you didnt want me to. and then she comes and says no your father said that you can go and i cant override him y'know so what time is the party.
-banner with the word: Wooooaaahhhhh on it flies around my head-
so was like okay so now you allow me to go eh?
she was grumbling but yeah she allowed me to go. quite logical really. 1) gerard wasn't going to be there. 2) its the birthday of a girl from plmgps! 3) its a group thing! what could happen on a group thing!
buuuuuuuuuuuuuut they werent to know that were they.
so anyway i called gerard cause i dint know myst's number. that day was also the day when gerard was flying off so he couldn't come to the mudmeet.
so i called myst and told her that i could come. myst had just woken up. actually i woke her up. i woke everyone i called up. even gerard. hahahha
okay so i told her and then i got ready. went to tampines yes yes? and then saw myst there. she said that she had many stuff and asked me to carry some and then we.................shoot.
err i think her dad said that he was free and could fetch us. so we took the car and went to white sands in pasir ris. then we went to marks and spencers there, and waited for them to open as myst was buying for chuntsen some pig sweet. there i called my dad and told him that i wasnt coming for dinner and he growled at me. finnne so i'll call him back LATER.
so we waited and waited. i was joking about how the speaker system would come out and then announce: Would the two grils outside marks and spencers please stop terrorising the poor women in there?
finally finally finally the store opened! yay we went in and brought the pig sweets for him. chuntsen cuts in here to say, as i am in a really lame MSN conversation with him now, that he is immensely grateful. he said i should say this else myst will kill him. (do that anyway myst, i feel sorry for the CAT.) so after that, we went to the station at pasir ris, where some people were already there.
lets see who was there? err...ginji, never found out his real name, jun kai, cheryl, kers, dont know his real name either why do i keep thinking its kenneth or a denny or a...damn. anyway, nivek and who else... some girls from nanyang and karmen! :D
and then the waiting began. waited for chuntsen, bernice, some other girl and some other guy. yes. finally everyone was here... apparently everyone, someone wasn't but i'll dwell into that later,
so we waited again as myst and some other pple went to buy some food. then they came back and myst asked me to help her hold her can of lemon tea. and then just as she did that and went to get her bag or something the security guard of the MRT station comes up and says to me:
'please go out and drink. drinking and eating are not allowed here.'
and then he went off! EXCUSE ME!!! hello i wasnt eating!! myst was! she was drinking that blasted can of lemon tea which made ME the scapegoat for the sec guard! even before i could say anything he walked off already and pple starting laughing at me lol and like wth i dint even drink it argh.
anyway myst its not your fault. :D i usually go berserk when it comes to this kinda thing.
-blogging interrupted by the Mac video that chuntsen sent me, woot damn funny.-
so now i continue. we walked out of the station and then continued on for a while. there was this bit of discussion about WHERE to go in the first place, trademark of any and i say any mudmeet. finally some enlightened person decides to guide us i think it was cheryl and kers, the organism.
and then we were walking towards pasir ris park along the side of the road when cheryl just crosses the road like that. hahaha and ginji was screaming out antisocial from the other end and kers went almost immediately to join her lol.
so then we finally were there at the pasir ris park and someone came to join us, another kevin. this one's called what, keitaro or something? yes yes. he came on a bike and there was this family beside us who were flying this plane and it crashed straight into keitaro lol.
aaah yeeeesss... before that happened, we were walking closer to pasir ris park ,after the antisocial incident and before the plane-loves-keitaro bit, ryan d called myst.
she screamed out to everyone that they'd left someone behind.
'who? who'd we leave behind?' everyone had stopped.
'ryan d!'<-- myst
'aaaahhh ryan d...' and everyone started walking again!
'he says that... he's coming towards the station now!'<-- myst
'....'<-- everyone else.
'how about he call us again when he reaches the station?'<-- kers.
so then we continued walking and then the plane-loves-keitaro incident happened and he decided to lead us to the chalet.
he went on his bike while we all continued walking and chatting. can't remember much here, just that ginji was teasing myst about her hair.
so then we finally reached it after we walked ALOT as we went like the wrong way and the longer wrong way or something and was like gaaaah... nvm we can walk though... so we walked though downtown east where the sesame street gang was there hahaha bernice said something about how bert and ernie were gay as they never went out with other girls. hahaha
'but we cant corrupt the kids minds now can we?'
so we continued walking and discussing about how it's better to get lost in a group than alone. then myst was saying that it's still as irritating when you get lost in a group and then someone says 'look what you've done! we're lost! and its all your fault!'
finally reached the place: Aranda Country Club. and then ginji said something very very sensible.
'err excuse me, we're supposed to CHECK IN at THREE PM. it's only 12 PLUS now! we're supposed to come early to PLAY! why'd you lead us here for what?!'
so what did they do? they crashed the country club!
we checked all the storeys, there wasnt much adn finally crashed the reception area. and then myst brought out her cards and they were playing bridge. bernice was explaining to me the rules of the game and complaining she had very very bad cards.
i still dont know how to play that game.
and then chuntsen was saying that he had taught me, he did he did and he was thinking who'd he play bridge with?
'gerard's cousin.'
hahha so then someone decided to check out pool. so chuntsen, nivek, bernice, jun kai and me decided to go and play pool.
told bernice that i dint know anything about pool just that it sounds the same as a body of chlorine water.
she told me its okay, she's a noob too.
hahahah... so we went the the pool place and they dint allow us to play unless we were sicteen and above! that means that only one of us can play lol.
so we gave up and looked around some more. finally ryan d gave another plea of help ('ryan please hold on for a while we decide whether to rescue you or not') again which finally got us all into action. so we decided to cycle to him. we spent quite some time convincing chuntsen to do it.
but noooooo he doesnt know how to cycle! and nooo he doesnt want to go tandem! (sp?) tandem is the 2 person bike. yes yes.
so he refused. then he and jun kai went back to the club house to play card games while the rest of us went to rescue ryan d.
we rented bikes for one hour and decided to look for him. following nivek and bernice we cycled on the walking lane, and fianlly found ryan d sitting very forlornly on the top of the spiderweb thingy.
they call it the space net hahaha we found it within 5 minutes! and we had 60 minutes to spare! haha
so we were like going to lead him back and were like quite worried about how to do that. actually we only worried for a while. nivek jumped on his bike and whizzed off while me and bernice went slow because ryan d decided to run i say, run behind us.
after a while...
'you dont have to go so slow for me you know...'
so we brought him back and told him where to go to the country club house thingy. we still had like 45 minutes so we decided to cycle it all away. we cycled and cycled mostly in silence and me and berns switched bikes for a while before returning back our bikes again and then we went to tampines park and on the way we were cycling past this family who asked berns where we get the bikes from. hahah i was behind her and she stopped right in front of me and i crashed into her lol!
nivek was like completely shocked and he came over cause he was in another lane and laughed at us. i damaged the bike. the family was shocked that their simple question can cause me to crash into bernice. :D
hahha bernice was okay, her bike pedal just got pulverised or something. well half pulverised. :P so we were hoping that the pple wouldnt notice hahah and then after that we stayed to check the bike some more and... the bell cover came off! hahhaaa
so nivek kept the bell cover until we reached the rental place. then we returned the bikes and siamed before they realised any damage done.
so after that it was around one plus and we went back to the country house to see ryan d and chuntsen playing with the cards there only with bags strewn around them. so they decided to play bridge and chuntsen was explaining to me the rules and i got even more confused aannnnnndd then! the security guard came and said no card games here!
hahhahaha so they stopped playing card games and started on card tricks. its damn funny larh, all the stupid card tricks they showed us. that's where myst's cards got bent. its the lord of the rings cards and they were like in good condition and all... and everyone was like die die how how... hahaha chuntsen went to memorise the card. i think it was a jack of hearts. hahaha man am i good or what. :D
chuntsen now says that there was this card which got its back/front torn off and it was the ace of diamonds......
sorry myst. before chuntsen says anything its his fault!
-bloggiing is interrupted again by me tricking terry into thinking that i'm someone else! damn funny!-
now i cant remember what happened next.
-we're tricking ah liew into thinking im someone else! the blogging will again be put on hold.-
so then we continue playing with the cards. we dint play any card game, 'cept maybe for the insane card games and everything. then nivek started making the cards stand. ryan d and chuntsen chipped in and helped, chuntsen being more of a destroyer than building.
nivek got this one storey of the cards standing then chuntsen pushed the table a little then the entire thing collapsed.
bernice was very tempted by nivek's concentration on the deck of cards. they were saying stuff like if chuntsen was a female, he'd be very very destructive as he would go to the world record holder for card houses and blow it down! so then after we blew down/destroyed/assassinated/crumpled/killed/murdered nivek's card houses for like the gazillionth time and seen his face crumple and everything, nivek moved to another table with ryan d and they decided to build the cards on another table. chuntsen and berns took a pair of kings and queens in order to prove a point.
'kings are better than queens! the last time i pulled out the queen card the whole structure fell down!'
'you could have pulled down any card there and the entire structure would have fallen anyway.'
then they made the standing structure, which is a T only and then betted whose cards would stand longer and simultaneously blew each other's structures down!
it was damn funny larh....
then there's the denial bit where they complained whose structure stood for the longer second...
yes and then after that.... the chalet was finally ready. we opened the pig sweets as chuntsen said that they were our lunch.
everyone came and helped and carried the stuff over larh. it was like at the third storey and chuntsen was like all ready to come the stairs.
he and i were discussing on what would happen if myst found out that her cards had been damaged.
'but see myst knows you well right so she'd know immediately that its your fault right?'
'and then she'd probably rip off one of those -points to lampost- and then whack you with them.'
in the lift i said the very famous words....before chuntsen says anything it's his fault!
and now i cant remember what happens next. okay so we went into the chalet. immediately, all the guys started moving the television set from one end of the room to the other end of the room. hahah they wanted the two plugs that was at the other end of the room cause the side where the television set was originally placed only had 1 power point. chuntsen comes in and adds the fact that there was no space for the xbox set and the PS2 that they brought.
so then after that i went into one of the rooms and watched them play cards. hahah i dint really know anyone there...
and then this guy in a blue shirt with spiky hair, they were discussing where to sleep. he bounced onto the kitchen counter top and said that he was going to sleep there. everyone was like uhhh really... and ginji was asking whether he had enough space. the guy was like okay larh, can half-turn so still can. so then there was the problem of what if the guy fell larh. ginji nivek and chuntsen i think took some chairs and lined them below the counter, so that if he fell he'd fall on the chairs. they were asking the guy to try it out but he was really hesitant and everything and said straight 'nos' to whatever ginji was saying lol.
'come on larh i'm holding the chairs, i guarantee you i wont let you fall!'
i got the book lotf from myst jie who got it from my fellow canine then started reading it larh. failed miserably and then started watching the guys playing xbox. they were playing halo2, this whole bunch of them. with elbert, karmen's brother, the guy in blue and... i think ryan d larh. i'm not that sure...
later xin rui and isaac came. hahaha i dint know xin rui's name until he signed my cup with his initials. hahaha the awfully gay one that everyone was exclaiming like what happened to your voice?
so they played halo 2 with this 3 pple against 1 person, elbert. and elbert was winning larh, it was very fun to see them chase each other and curse and swear and scream and exclaim something about the banshee (sp?) and something about overshields... yeah
today is friday. i am damn late lol.
the bit where the one person group, elbert was like seriously murdering everyone there lol... he only died 6 times the first time and murdered everyone else 50 times lol hahahahha then the second time they played, it was isaac, elbert, ryan d and the guy in blue. bernice played for a while later.
this game was also rather fun, with elbert burning up the flying thing so that no one else could use it. then he did all the backflips and everything to avoid gunfire and was giggling madly though out the entire thing. myst and karmen were beside me on the sofa, and we were all laughing along with them something about 'he's your gang man, kill him.'
so the girls were complaining about them needing time to play the PS2. the guys being nice pple, guys are good to bully remember that, and said that that was the last game. so after that, myst and karmen plugged in the PS2 and had some problems with the cd. elbert was complaining and commenting more like of 'xbox only takes 30 seconds flat to load, just plug in and play!' finally they gave up and used the original cd as they were using the pirated ones as it had more songs and obviously better ones. so they were dancing and myst was complaining that her mat was horrible. i was talking to bernice and we were discussing about myst's poor mat which was slit and broken at the back.
'you know i feel sorry for it...'
'yeah it probably was just an innocent little plastic thing and it was looking forward to being something else, and it didnt ask to be stepped on...'
'yeah maybe like a bottle or something!'
'uh huh... poor mat...'
so then myst practised a little and then she and karmen danced for a while, before someone, i cant remember who started it, i think elbert... and... karmen's brother, decided to square off.
'i bet on karmen's brother.'
so then naturally karmen's brother won hands down. elbert was really pissed and then demanded another game and he and someone else played... i cant remember who played with who but i think, elbert, ryan d, isaac, bernice, junkai and nivek... all danced away. get myst to send you the video, she taped them all dancing to the thing, it's really amusing lol!
but unfortunately her digital camera, quiet as it is, doesnt have much light and QX will probably die of obsessive compulsiveness to repair the pictures. :D
so anyway, they danced most of the afternoon away, and the card players came out once in a while, late afternoon, to watch them dance. it was rather amusing, with the guys doing like 90 beats for the song and sitting down and slamming the mats with their hands. then they tried harder songs and danced some more. hahah it was really scary to see them slowly slowly dance in sync really!! myst and karmen were like completely in sync with each other, moving at the same time. and while choosing songs, isaac's humungous feet were screwing up karmen's sensitive mat up and the songs kept scrolling even when he was standing in the middle pad, not doing anything lol.
so then after that, gerard called.
myst got really mad.
sorry myst if it really does go up, ill get gerard to subsidise a portion of it!
so anyway, he called and we were chatting and everything. myst then went down to start the barbeque together with chuntsen and some other pple. bernice went down to the barbeque soon, together with ryan d. haha i was STILL talking to gerard, so she dint see me in the master bedroom. so then finally, after talking to gerard and telling him that i will miss him and blog for him and all the other things...
i finally decided to go down for dinner. this time was around 7-plus and i really dint know where the BBQ pit would be. so just followed some guys around and then came down. bernice was like asking me where did i go cause she couldnt find me thus she went down first. hahah
so then i was like sitting there and chatting with her cause we were using 2 tables. one table was with all the drinks and uncooked food while the other, where we were sitting had all the cooked food... and devouring some of the food as anyone with a sense of decency wouldn't trust guys like chuntsen, nivek, isaac, xin rui etc around the fire. we were talking to elbert, who dint know who i was and asked someone else i think chuntsen who i was, saying that i was gerard's gf. elbert was like i thought myst was gerard's gf. that was what caused myst to exclaim at me to go and skewer me with something.
chuntsen was bringing food over and everything and i told bernice that for the first time, i was honestly afraid to eat the chicken.
so then elbert came and talked to us and then after some chiding from all of us, he went to cook.
everyone decided to swear off any chicken wings/sausages etc...
so then junkai and ginji were extremely hungry and everything and decided to pop over to our table and eat some. elbert was bringing food over to him. junkai took it on his plate but dint touch it at all. elbert came again and told bernice, 'this one's still on fire!'
he then left it on junkai's plate, telling us that, 'did you know the one before was held by the the tongs that held the charcoal?'
we had this mini argument on carbon as chuntsen bounced over every now and then to pass karmen things to hold, like wallets and such.
oh yeah, while we were like sitting around and talking about how reversed things were, as the guys were cooking for us lol, karmen was asking: did anyone take the keys?
her grandmother/aunt was nearly fainting.
we were like oh damn oh shoot who had the keys who was the last to leave the chalet?! aah aahh ahhh ahhh and screaming, well not reaaaaaallllyyyyy screaming just saying it like,
'who has the keys, we're going to be locked out tonight. please give us the keys.'
so then we forgot all about it in the prospect of dinner, like normal teenagers while karmen's family went around the bend.
junkai and ginji tasted the food.
they vomited blood.
then junkai said,' i dont care i'm going to cook later.'
so he and ginji finished their meal and then told chuntsen nivek and everyone else who wasnt suitable to cook to naff off and that what made nivek and chuntsen and elbert and everyone else came to the table to eat.
oh yeah nivek and kevin were saying that they were helping another bunch of older looking teenagers start their fire. well nivek was doing it, chuntsen was feeding him. hahaha and then one of the girls was like wincing and saying to them, 'oi you gay ah?'
i cant remember chuntsen's reply to that.
i think he said yes. hahah.
and then we were happily chatting away, with ginji and junkai serving us chicken and we happily eating away... when suddenly, someone realised... that... THERE WAS A CAT UNDER THE TABLE!!!
and then chuntsen just HAD TO SAY, 'oh so thhhhaaaattt's what i was stepping on!'
that prompted a BBQ-pit wide reponse of 'chuntsen! how could you!'
he was frantically trying to explain himself, saying that he was tired and he had wanted to put his feet somewhere so he saw the cat and then was thinking, hey that looked solid, so he placed his foot there.... and then while he was doing that, nivek was like throwing stuff at it, mainly the carbonated sausages - he peeled off the carbonated bits - and feeding it. the cat was like damn pissed larh, when i touched it it hissed and was growling at my hand lol. it still continued to eat the sausages and everything else that nivek threw at it lol. ginji was expressing his concern for the cat, whether it could get cancer or not ffrom the burnt bits and nivek showed him the peeled plate of carbonated bits.
so we were berating chuntsen who had coined the phrase, 'soft and furry equals wood' and myst was going around, banging his head screaming out, 'this is soft and furry! it's wood then!' bangbangbang
everyone else was like sitting on the chairs and laughing. and then we looked down again and the cat was gone! people were screaming out 'shadowmeld! shadowmeld!' and lifting their legs so as to not crush the cat... and then xinrui was saying to the lampost where ryan d was leaning on, (today is saturday. i am flying off the day after tomorrow. i havent finished my homework, no i havent even STARTED. i'm screwed.... no axe that today is sunday. it's been dragging for so long lol!) 'cat! cat! it isnt soft and furry therefore its a cat!' and everyone was suddenly getting off their seats and not touching anything lol...
so after that fiasco with the cat, myst went up and got her... glowy bracelets stuff and some face painting pencils.
yes. and THEN the realll fun began. unanimously, everyone decided that chuntsen was going to be our scapegoat.
nivek wrote the word slut across his cheeks, then changed it to sly... karmen wrote die in chinese on his chin and bernice wrote god in chinese on his chest lol. someone wanted to write cat on his forehead so it looked like cat-killing god in chinese. then again the word cat was already written in chinese on the base of his neck, at the back, together with the word liar on it. i think xinrui wanted to write 'sexy' on the side of chuntsen's neck but chuntsen wouldn't let him and karmen told him to write 'seksy' instead, which meant the same thing anyway.
so then i drew a phoenix on myst's hand and then a dragon on bernice's wrist. nivek came over and saw i wasnt drawn on yet except for a flower that myst drew on my hand and a smiley face that *someone* i cant rmbr who drew, and he went to write '*heart* drareg on my arm.
karmen had some writing on her arm. i cant remembr what it means.
and now i can't remember what happened next.
the glow sticks! yaaay we bent them into bracelets and xinrui was demanding purple because it proclaimed that he was gay and i was asking for orange and green and purple too and made them into a necklace and gave them to ginji as he was still cooking the sausages- he and chuntsen were having another argument on that...- and he looked so forlorn with the tongs in his hand lol.
i think myst wanted a picture but no one wanted to pose for her and besides it was so dark and red-ant infested on the grass (surprisingly everyone got bitten cept me... gerard's going to blame this on my witchy powers again...) that they decided to go up to the chalet.
aaah yes! this reminds me, you know we couldnt find the keys yes yes? then near the end of the BBQ, kers came up to bernice because he and cheryl, the organism were stuck together for dinner and dint do anything much except come and steal the glow sticks like everyone was doing- and showed us the keys!!!
everyone was like -gape- (everyone being me myst karmen and bernice) and then we were thanking him and saying that at least SOMEONE had brains around here to take the keys as he was the last person to leave the chalet. haha
so then we were going back up, ryan d was singing x amount of green bottles, hanging on the wall... then he switched to something else and nivek came and joined in with 1 mole of green bottles hanging on the wall when one green bottle had had a little fall, there'll be 599999999999999999999999 green bottles, hanging on the wall...
i think there's 23 '9's in there. better count.
yes there is.
so then we went up and i was like getting ready to go home cause i said i'd stay till the barbeque was over. so then they were starting to play blackjack... lots of people there got 21 with their 2 cards...
lets see who was playing cards, chuntsen myst karmen nivek ryan d xinrui and me... yeah that's about it. everyone else was either playing DoA or still at the barbeque pit, clearing up... yes we are evil. ^^
then we moved to the table and... oh yeah! ban came!
yes i have no idea who he is too.
so he came and he wished karmen happy birthday and stayed for a while. and then just before he left people were like asking him, ban do you know what you came here for?
and he was like 'ummmm... yeah! ets birthday!'
'so you wish her happy birthday already?'
'errr... yes...'
so anyway, we moved to the table karmen was teaching them some really cool cult like cup clapping thing which i christen the kuppa, in honour of karmen who told it to us and the fact that it had to do with cups.
there were like... karmen me nivek isaac xin rui chuntsen and myst
so then they moved and told me to join them, together with isaac. hahah my psychomotor was really horrible, i couldnt keep up and everything... i lost count... but it was really fun lol ginji was saying that it looked like some cult thing. and then my dad was like saying that he'd come in 20 minutes so i joined them for the last 20 minutes in the kuppa.
still dint get much of it, and then it was almost time for me to go and everyone was like signing my cup with the face paint pencils...
ah yes. we were initaling our cups so as to not confuse them with anyone else's. nivek put an 'n' on his and i was like my name starts with 'n' too and im sitting right next to him... ahaha he got this brilliant idea then to put a 'g' on the cup lol. he was patting himself on the back with karmen nodding knowingly while i was giving everyone else exasperated looks lol
so then we were exchanging cups and signing on each other's cups... ahaha chuntsen only realised then that i was called norbert and nivek was like norbert... from hp? hahaha i checked the signatures, was counting and then i realised that i had 7 just after karmen said that she was missing a signature lol
then myst checked and said that karmen had signed twice hahahaha
damn i realise... that there's a lot of 'lol's in here.
anyway, so then karmen showed me her second signature and wrote there something along the lines of 'ets too' on the cup. yes then i dint know the way to the carpark was pop said that he'd be waiting for me at the bus stop outside the carpark.
so i was like going off and the door was closing when i suddenly saw everyone else, like myst chuntsen nivek psyray karmen ... practically everyone from the table came and decided to show me the way too.
it was a rather amusing walk, they were scolding each other for letting chuntsen lead as he led us around the elevator...
and then chuntsen was like saying after we passed a woman, that the next person we see we'd say happy new year and then the person's supposed to reply no its' christmas and everyone was supposed to go see that's funny! hahahahah and then nivek said it should be hohoho and chuntsen was like yeah see my point exactly.
so i saw pop at the stairs and then i went home after waving goodbye them all... as they went back to the chalet.
so there you have it, oh yeah i only got the kuppa WHEN i got home.... the BLOG POST!!!
it's like a damn long one larh, only counting like 10 hours... if that's like my ten hours... thank goodness i dint stay over then......
yeah, anyway, i'm going off tomorrow. and gerard if you see it, i have to say that i lost your reincarnation account and when i signed up again... there wasn't no option button. i couldnt find it. im so sorry... cries.
and chuntsen this is the thing you've been waiting for like so long. hahaha im sorry i kept you waiting and everyone else... and its like i dont even know half the people there... i was like having a chat with karmen in the afternoon while everyone was held up in the huge xbox halo2 thingy and i was feeling kinda sorry for her as it's her birthday and she was like playing host to alll of us.... hahhaha
heeeeeeeeeeeeeyyy..... wait a minute.....
okay i'm like going off tomorrow and i'm like only half packed. hahahaha see i risked life and limb to get to the computer for you guys and blog this for you! :D i will now put this on MS word and check my mistakes. :D
Posted by norbert at 12/12/2004 07:27:00 PM
Friday, December 10, 2004
Firstly I'd like to say sorry to Chuntsen, for making him wait so long for the post lol. it's not my fault if I can't remember stuff. :P
And to Bernice, Yay I found your blog! i'll be adding you guys preetttyyyy soon. If I remember that is. ^_^
Khoped this from bernice's blog. :D She and I are the same!

B:Your Beauty liesin Plain Sight. Plain, simple and the girl nextdoor. People tend overlook you as you are the
"normal girl", but you're actuallyvery beautiful. And you have plenty about you to
set you apart, but more thatlets you blend. People love the stability you have
because as others may comeand go, you will always be there and you may always
be the same. You like simplethings and that's what people like about you. You
most likely enjoy things mostconsider normal, like movies, shopping, that sort
of thing and are very friendlyand probably have many friends. You are sweet and
kind and that shows on you,but you're also strong and not very naive. You're a
rather well-roundedindividual. Even though some people pass you off as
just another girl, shrug itoff because they don't know what they're
Some ThingsThat Represent You:
Element:Earth, Light Animal: Cat Color:
Pinks, Blues, Browns Song:Girl Next Door by Pilot Expression: Simple
Gemstone:Alexandrite Mythological Creature: Fox
Demon, Hobbit Planet: Jupiter Hair
Color: Light Brown Eye Color:Brown
Quote:"To the world you may be one person, but to
one person you may be the world."
Where Does Your Beauty Lie? ..::Original Pictures Are Back! Detailed Results::..
brought to you by Quizilla
And this from Myst's blog. I am such a khopier. :D
he remembers, lastly, that pride
comes before a fall. but dreams of freedom
are fluid,
like water,
and he would gladly
in them.
Mostly it's Kingshawish but the beginning's Hooperish. Good poem of hers, felt that it was more of a haiku but who am I to comment. ^^ Fantastic writer manz, Myst.
today i went out with adeline-kun for a while larh. i was buying my books from the new school and adeline was bored. she always is. i have no idea why.
so anyway, the point is that today after we had polished off our lunch at KFC's, we were walking out of the restaurant when i passed this old woman, who was eating a Pocket Banditto or something, with her family.
i was suddenly, just suddenly filled with this sense of sadness.
i dont know, everyone else might call this a family outing, as she appeared to be with her daughter, who was eating something from KFC also larh, its only the two of them, but i had this sudden desire to kick the younger woman away and bring the old lady to some hawker centre and order some good ole teochew porridge/ hokkien mee/ whatever for her and watch her eat it, together with her ungrateful family. or just drag her home and cook for her or something.
i dont know... i just have this sense of regret. like... have fast food outlets become so much of our lives already?
that an outing is considered one when eaten at a fast food outlet. the old woman, i suppose i cant really speak for her, but i assume that she would have preferred something more traditional, like her normal chinese fare. i know that most elderly people nowadays are just happy to see that at least their children and grandchildren come and see them, or even just notice them in their busy lives...
i dont know. are we really that cold and unfeeling. i have this very sad ache in me. i dont know why it's there but i dont think i'll ever bring my parents... to somewhere they dont want to go.
Say of the Day:
'If a man opens the door of the car for his wife, either the car is new, or the wife is.'
'It takes many nails to make a baby cot but just one screw to fill it.'
Posted by norbert at 12/10/2004 06:11:00 PM
Thursday, December 02, 2004
Apparently, what’s been buzzing around these few days, usually around Adeline and Gerard, don’t ask me why, is l_33t 5P34k.
Well, for the leet un-inclined, Adeline’s showed me this nice BBC site which explains leet speak.
Well, most of leet speak anyway. Click here.
Also, this week has been much fo a let down. Hahah let’s see. Monday, went to QX’s house, didn’t do much there. Tuesday, stayed home, wrote a little, ignored homework. Wednesday, was supposed to go out but held back by Dad and coughing. Watched Singapore Idol.
See that’s leet speak. Gaah.
w00t - Derived from 'hoot', this is defined as 'yay', it can be used, for example, upon victory or, possibly, the release and procurement of a new video card.
Got that from the BBC site. TAUFIK RULLESS!!
Haha he won! Yay!
Anyway, today, nothing much, wrote some more, Taufik came to Power 98. yay! My dad went to get some stuff for the Power 98 decal giveaway.
Hahaha anyway, this is my enclosed Christmas list. For now.
Power Traxxx + Power 98 tee shirt! I wanna buy it! Whee! While stocks last! Must get it!
Chocolates. I miss them. I haven’t been eating them for about a year. I miss them.
Some downloading program man. I need it.
So. There you have it! :D
Posted by norbert at 12/02/2004 09:30:00 PM